
„Fanmeile“ für Hobbyfotografen: photokina communities


Bücherkrieg: 909 Autoren gegen Amazon

Lange hielt man Amazon-Chef Jeff Bezos für eine Art Robin Hood der Buchwelt. Inzwischen wirkt er auf viele mehr wie Prinz John: Jetzt wenden sich 909 US-Autoren öffentlich gegen das Unternehmen. Amazons Image ist im Sturzflug.


Robert Seethalers „Ein ganzes Leben“: Der einsame Mann am Berg

„Ein ganzes Leben“ von Robert Seethaler rafft ein mehr als sieben Jahrzehnte währendes Leben in ein paar einprägsame Szenen. Ein bittersüßer Sundowner mit einer kleinen Prise Kitsch.


Kurzgeschichten-Band: Die seltsame Angst vor dem schmalen Haus

Drogen, Nutten, Exzesse, Suizid – der US-amerikanische Autor Joshua Cohen lässt in seinen virtuosen Kurzgeschichten nichts aus. Das ist auch nur logisch, denn schließlich geht es in den Texten um das Internet.




Berliner Schriftstellerin: Elfriede Brüning mit 103 Jahren gestorben

Nazi-Regime, DDR und Wiedervereinigung prägten ihre Werke. Die Berliner Schriftstellerin Elfriede Brüning ist gestorben. Sie wurde 103 Jahre alt.


Ablasshandel für Mulitmillionär … ?

Ulli Hoeneß hat zumindest gestanden – ok, er hat auch nachvollziehbar mehrmals gelogen und betrogen. Aber wer betrügt und lügt gehört bestraft … oder er hat genug Geld:

„Bernie Ecclestone Prozess gegen Zahlung von 100 Millionen Euro eingestellt“

Das hat mit meinem Rechtsverständnis nicht viel zu tun – aber ich habe Glück: auch die Süddeutsche sieht das ähnlich:

Süddeutsche Zeitung online

Ich bin tatsächlich etwas verwirrt, dass ein Richter das tatsächlich realisiert – früher hätte ich gedacht (früher … also so vor 5-10 Jahren ^^), der Richter gibt gleich nochmal 2-3 Jahre drauf wegen des Versuches der Bestechung … :-/


Volle Unterstützung für den Handel


Moderne Laster: Warum Snobismus schmerzt

Nach 30 Jahren erscheint Judith Shklars bedeutender Essay „Ganz normale Laster“ auf Deutsch. Die Harvard-Philosophin nimmt dabei Begriffe wie Stolz oder Grausamkeit auseinander und legt so die moralischen Grundlagen säkularer Gesellschaften frei.


drupa is cooperation partner of the Media Mundo congress

Drupa renews its long-term cooperation with the Media Mundo industrial action group. As in 2011 and 2012, the trade fair will act as cooperation partner of the 5th Media Mundo congress in Dusseldorf on 17th and on 18th November 2014. This year, the congress will focus on the motto „rethink sustainability – economic motivation for sustainable media production“.

In contrast to the mottos of previous years, which concentrated on ecological behavior, one aspect of sustainable media production, the 5th Media Mundo congress will look into an equally important sustainability aspect: economy. Particularly affected by the current economic situation and faced with the challenge of having to consolidate its market position, the printing and media industry is looking for practical measures and the required initiative. The congress is supported by the WWF and the FSC as NGO partners, Antalis, IGEPA and the Swedish SCA group.

Green printing at drupa

Werner M. Dornscheidt, President and CEO of Messe Düsseldorf, underlines drupa’s commitment to this subject: “The issue of green printing and sustainability across the entire process chain will be one of the focal points of drupa 2016. The aspect of sustainability has become a major concern of brand owners all over the world, and they expect their printed communication to adhere to “green” standards. This is a challenge for the industry and printing service providers, and they are well advised not to veer from the path that they have already chosen“.

Meanwhile, green printing has also become an important selling point. In the first “drupa Global Trends Report“, 48 % of all printing service providers reported that they used certified paper to accommodate customer requirements. Another 37 % operate a sustainable waste management system, and 33 % are committed to a certified environmental management system.

Economic production for competitiveness

“Economic production is an important motivation for achieving a sustainable media production, and as such it generates important effects of ecological sustainability“, says Rüdiger Maaß, Managing Director of the association of the media production industry. “Economy is the cornerstone of competitiveness – an issue that has become more important than ever before.“

The 5th Media Mundo congress will deal with topics such as “The effects of process optimisation“, “Energy efficiency“ and “Standardisation“. It will also provide an overview over different ways of thinking and provide some ideas on how to master this change and some answers the question of where this change might lead. International experts from science, environmental associations, politics and the industry will engage in a critical discussion about the current situation and about likely scenarios for the near future. Pioneers of sustainable media production will illustrate practical solutions as well as problems and unexpected challenges that they encountered.

Experts on sustainability

Dr. Daniel Dahm, member of the Club of Rome, has agreed to present a paper on the “The conflicting areas of global overshoot“. 45-year-old Dahm is founding member of the Utopia foundation and the “Oekosoziales Forum Deutschland” and is also member of different non-profit organisations. He has become internationally acclaimed because of his contribution to the Potsdam Manifesto of 2005. This paper explores the root causes of the current crisis and suggests a radical and far-reaching re-orientation for the future of human development.

The congress also presents the following speakers:

    • Dr. Meike Gebhardt (Utopia AG): How much sustainability do consumers want?
    • Uwe Lübbermann (Premium Cola): Marketing with potential for the future
    • Peter Jeschke (GC Graphic Consult GmbH): Sustainability in printing
    • Alexander Rossner (zukunftswerk eG): Communicating sustainability (Strategic tasks, practical advice and the argument of “benefit“)
    • Michael Müller (IPM): Wasting resources leads to economic ruin (Top ten of the most striking action areas for printing service providers and purchasers of printed products)

    Tickets for f:mp members and visitors of former Media Mundo congresses cost 195 €. Ticket price for non-members of f:mp: 295,00 €, members of FSC, Forum Corporate Publishing and the “Initiative Pro Recyclingpapier” will be charged 245 €. Ticket price for the discussion on the evening before the event is 50 €. Visitors who book their tickets before 31th August, 2014 will receive a 50 € bonus. More information on the congress.