Unter dem Motto „von Profis für Profis“ bietet die photokina 2014 mit dem Kommunikationsforum photokina professionals ein auf drei Säulen basierendes Programm für Foto-Fachbesucher aus aller Welt. Dazu zählen die professionals lounge, die professionals publishers und das professionals forum.
Autor: Sven
Walter Kirns „Blut will reden“ erzählt von einem Preppy-Hochstapler. Jim Nisbets „Der Krake auf meinem Kopf“ spielt unter Junkies und Altrockern. Flore Vasseurs „Kriminelle Bande“ macht den Niedergang Frankreichs zum Krimi-Stoff.

Zwischen Krieg, Familie und Modernisierung: In „Der Gedanke an das Glück und das Ende“ erzählt Jean-Luc Seigle, wie sich im Frankreich des Jahres 1961 Konflikte zuspitzen – und an einem einzigen Tag eskalieren.
Future Links July 22th 2014

Containerboard statistics for June
The American Forest & Paper Association has released the U.S. containerboard statistics for June 2014. The report indicates that production was essentially flat compared to both May of this and June of last year.
More at What They Think
Progress in alloy metal printing
Yesterday, we featured an article in our future links saying that organic growth in the global 3D printing industry is taking place primarily in the metal additive manufacturing sector. Now the Canadian company Zecotek has started the testing and refinement of a printer that will allow for the use of a variety of alloys in printing.
More at 3D Print
Investcorp buys Dutch printing manufacturer
The investment firm for alternative markets, Investcorp, will be acquiring Netherland-based SPG Prints. The company specializes in the manufacture of digital inks and equipment for wide format, textile, and packaging applications.
More at My Print Resource
UK worst at recycling
According to a report by The Digital House, the United Kingdom proves to be the worst in recycling and energy recovery. It also states that seven countries generate more than three-quarters of total European plastic waste.
More at Environmental Leader
Sustainable packaging choice
Different industry giants are constantly trying to optimize their packaging in order to achieve cost savings, ergonomic improvement, and minimizing environmental impact. This report shows that environmentally conscious shoppers as well should consider packaging concerns to their purchasing criteria.
More at Sustainability Scholars
3D printed food for soldiers
At our drupa blog, we already wrote about recent developments in the field of food printing. Now, the U.S. Army as well intends to use 3D printing to produce food for soldiers.
More at 3Ders
3D printed skin for soldiers
The US army is not only experimenting on 3D printing their food. Wake Forest University’s Institute for Regenerative Medicine who had already invented 3D printed cartilage and the 3D printing of various organ tissues has announced that 3D printed skin for the army is almost ready for clinical trials.
More at 3D Printing Industry
Kocher + Beck and Lüscher partnering
Kocher + Beck, a self-proclaimed market leader in the field of rotary-die cutting technology, has signed an agreement with Lüscher Technologies AG. They want to sell the Multi DX UV CTP systems within the USA and Canada, which were developed for label printing and applications in industrial printing.
More at Packaging Labels
China invests in Belarus PET
China will invest in a major bottle grade PET production project planned by the Belarus PET and polyester fibres producer Mogilevkhimvolokno for 2016. As part of the partnership, Belarus had invited the Chinese government to the construction of a new PET plant in Mogilev, Belarus.
More at European Plastics News
White paper on shelf presence
The Foil & Specialty Effects Association has published a study on the effect of high-visibility enhancements on consumer purchasing behavior. According to their own statement, the study proves clear advantages to foil stamping on packaging.
More at Packaging Today
Printed Electronics USA
From 19th to 20th November 2014 the Printed Electronics Conference takes place in Santa Clara, California. 30 % early bird attendee discount is valid until this Friday.
More at ID TechEx
Future Links July 21th 2014

New growth phase for metal printing
According to this article, organic growth in the global 3D printing industry is taking place primarily in the metal additive manufacturing sector. This claim is supported by Arcam’s financial report.
More at 3D Printing Industry
New regulations on food labelling
Due to new EU regulations on food allergen labelling following 13th December 2014, all European food and drink manufacturers are required to adapt their labeling. They demand for example a minimum font size for mandatory information.
More at Packaging Scotland
More food regulations
India as well is soon introducing new rules on the labeling of food products. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India will soon publish the final draft that requires even the salt, sugar and transfat content to be prominently mentioned.
More at Packaging Labels
Sustainable Green Print
Tomorrow and on Thursday, the Printing Industries Association of Australia is hosting a new round of Sustainable Green Print courses designed for printing companies wanting to achieve certification by the end of the year. You can still register for it.
More at ProPrint
Printed batteries
The Californian startup Imprint Energy has been testing flexible batteries that can be printed cheaply on industrial screen printers. They hope to sell them to manufacturers of wearable electronics, medical devices, smart labels, and environmental sensors.
More at Printed Electronics
New UV-cured ink
Fujifilm has introduced a new thermo forming UV-cured inkjet ink for light industrial applications. The new formulation is supposed to maintains high quality and vivid colors with no compromise to the print speed.
More at Large Format Review
Print on 3D objects
Although you can more and more easily print 3D objects these days, there are still many three dimensional products that need to be decorated in some way and therefore have to be printed onto. This process is a real challenge, no matter what printing technology is used.
More at Xennia
Indian packaging industry
In this interview based on an e-mail interaction, Rajesh Nath, managing director from the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), shares his views on the packaging machinery industry in India and its challenges.
More at F&B News
Digital inkjet for industrial printing
There are still many printed materials that don’t fall into what we consider commercial printing but aren’t yet strictly functional printing. This blog article takes a look at the process of so-called industrial printing.
More at What They Think
Foldable 3D printer
So far, 3D printers are mostly large, bulky machines that are meant to stay in one place. The company Portabee tried to change this and invented a 3D printer that can be folded up.
More at 3D Print
DS Smith acquires Italian recycling company
DS Smith has fully bought Italian recycling firm Italmaceri. They had already acquired 50 % of the company in 2012.
More at Packaging News
„photokina: köln fotografiert!“
Fotomarathon erstmalig in Köln
Pressemitteilung photokina 2014 – 16.-21.09.2014 photokina: köln fotografiert! 30.08.-21.09.2014 Fotomarathon erstmalig in Köln Im photokina-Jahr 2014 schließt sich Köln internationalem Trend an – 1. Kölner Fotomarathon startet am Samstag, 6.
Mit „Endgame“ plant der skandalumwitterte US-Autor James Frey den großen Wurf: Der Endzeitroman soll nicht bloß ein Buch sein – sondern auch App, Handy-Spiel, Social-Media-Event, Filmtrilogie. Und ein Rätsel mit echtem Millionengewinn.
Ob SM-Roman oder Endzeit-Thriller: Werden Bestseller eigentlich nur gekauft oder auch gelesen? Ein Wissenschaftler hat das nun erforscht. Auf dem letzten Platz landete das meistdiskutierte Buch des Frühjahrs 2014.
Einzigartige Bilder, wohin man sieht
photokina glänzt erneut mit einzigartigen Fotoausstellungen auf dem ganzen Messegelände Auch 2014 schlagen die vielen Fotoausstellungen auf der photokina einen beindruckenden Bogen von Fotodokumentationen und Fotodesign, bis hin zum Fotojournalismus und der Fotokunst.