
Creativeworld 2015

2 Tage lang war es wieder soweit: Wie jedes Jahr, konzentriert sich meine Arbeit auf die Creativeworld, die „Internationale Fachmesse für den Hobby-, Bastel- und Künstlerbedarf“.

Auch in diesem Jahr waren die Vorbereitung und Durchführung Teil meiner Arbeit und so sind wir am Freitag, 30. Januar zum Aufbau gefahren. Den Messestand dekorieren, ausstaffieren, finale Akzente setzen, technisches Gerät zum Laufen bringen und auf „Hochglanz polieren“. Im Team wurden diese Punkte wieder schnell und zuverlässig erledigt.

So konnte Hahnemühle FineArt am Sonnabend zum Messebeginn wieder auf seinem Stand die nationalen und internationalen Gäste begrüßen und präsentierte neue Produkte zum Skizzieren, Aquarellieren und Arbeiten mit Pastellkreide. Interessierte konnten zudem an allen Messetagen spontan an Malworkshops zu den genannten Maltechniken teilnehmen.

Weitere Informationen findet man hier.


Für alle Gamer aus den 80ern:

Ihr sucht die alten Games, zocken wie damals – Grafik egal, hauptsache Fun:

archive.org hat die Spiele der 80er im Pixel-Style

Postet Eure Erfahrungen, Gedanken oder auch Euer „neugewonnenes“ Spielerlebnis einfach als Kommentar!


Regelfrage #Futsal


Der eigene Spieler spielt den Ball zu seinem Torwart zurück. Dieser macht einen Torwartabschlag mit dem Fuß, nachdem er den Ball mit der Hand aufgenommen hat. Ist das so zulässig?


Nein, ein Zuspiel zum Torwart, welchen dieser mit der Hand aufnimmt ist – analog dem Feldfußball – ebenfalls untersagt und wird mit einem indirekten Freistoß, wo der Ball mit der Hand gespielt wird, bestraft.


Ergänzende Hinweise:

Befindet sich bei der Aktion der Torwart in der eigenen Spielhälfte, muß der Ball vor dem Zuspiel durch den Mitspieler und nach der letzten Berührung durch diesen Torwart von einem gegnerischen Spieler berührt worden sein, ansonsten gibt es – unabhängig ob der Towart dann mit Hand oder Fuß spielt – einen indirekten Freistoß wo der Ball gespielt wurde.


Regelfrage #Futsal


Der Torwart hält einen Schuss des Gegners mit beiden Händen fest und macht daraufhin einen Abschlag aus dem Tor (der Ball war nicht im Tor-Aus). Ist das zulässig oder muss der Ball mit der Hand abgeworfen werden? Also der Ball wird vom Schuss des Gegners auf das Tor vom Torwart festgehalten, anschließend lässt er den Ball fallen und schießt diesen Ball mit dem Fuss.

Begriffsdefinition: Abschlag ist regeltechnisch nichts anderes als ein Schuß mit dem Fuß des Torwarts.



Hier liegt bisher kein Regelverstoß vor, solange der Torwart dieses innerhalb 4 Sekunden erledigt.


Ergänzende Hinweise:

Der Torwart ist ein Spieler wie jeder andere Spieler mit dem Sonderrecht, im eigenen Strafraum den Ball mit der Hand spielen zu dürfen. Somit ist das Spielen des Balles mit dem Fuß und der Hand jederzeit im laufenden Spiel möglich nachdem der Ball direkt vom Gegner kommt. Somit kann ein „gefangener“ Ball mit dem Fuß oder der Hand gespielt werden. Der Torwart darf den Ball dann auch nur 4 Sekunden in der eigenen Hälfte berühren bzw. kontrollieren. Außerdem ist in dieser Situation für den Schiedsrichter wichtig, dass bei einem Schuß mit dem Fuß ein mögliches Tor zählt  hingegen ein Wurf in das gegnerische Tor einen Abwurf für die gegnerische Mannschaft ergibt.


[youtube width=“600″ height=“365″ video_id=“k5z-j1b1yxg“]


Future Links September 23th 2014

Offset sales sag, large format grows
According to a new survey by the National Print Owners Association offset sales in 2014 are in decline. Meanwhile, sales from signs, banners, and large format are seeing growth across the board.
More at Ink World Magazine

Stratasys new innovation lab
Bre Pettis, who built up MakerBot, has launched a spinoff with MakerBot’s parent company Stratasys. Based in Brooklyn, new innovation lab Bold Machines will explore the cutting edge of 3D technology with third parties taking advantage of Stratasys’ industrial printers and resources.
More at Upstart

Pakistan packaging industry expanding
Rising exports and increasing local consumption of packaged food have caused growing demand for packaging products attracting foreign investment. But local packaging industry meets only a part of the domestic demand leaving much room for expasion, according to an article by a Pakistani newspaper.
More at Dawn

5 things to improve your color consistency
Helping companies produce accurate, consistent color is a full-time job for Dillon Mooney, Printing Industries of America’s Technical Consultant for the Center for Technology and Research. In this blog post, he provides five key improvements to achieve the consistent color a customer’s demands.
More at Printing Industries of America

Innovative compostable packaging
Ecovative is bringing an alternative to plastic protective packaging foams to Japan. But it is neither a plastic foam nor a bioplastic but actually grown from mycelium (mushroom “roots”) and low value crop waste.
More at Packaging Europe

Grants to enhance AM
Recently, additive manufacturing has rapidly advanced the production of complex-shaped metal components. However, developing complex geometries remained a problem. Now, engineers at the University of Pittsburgh’s Swanson School of Engineering are developing enhanced modeling and simulation technology and new qualification standards with a three year 300.000 USD grant funded by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation.
More at Phys.org

German packaging award 2014
61 innovations are nominated for the Deutscher Verpackungspreis (German packaging award). The nominated innovations are from Germany, Austria, Witzerland, USA, UK and Netherlands and include packing machines, displays and promotion packagings,
More at neue verpackung

Universal Flexible Packaging invests in new factory
Universal Flexible Packaging, a flexible film manufacturer and contract packer for the food industry, has announced an 11m £ investment in a new site and equipment in Leicester .The new site is 36,500 m² and creates more than 56 new jobs.
More at Packaging News


Future Links September 19th 2014

Nanoscale printer for electronics
The demand for miniscule electronics in smartphones, tablets and cameras is higher than ever and prices in those markets continue to be high because electronics are made in an expensive process. This might soon change: Scientists from Northeastern University now revealed their NanoOPS printer that prints nanoscale electronics.
More at 3Ders

Hubergroup to merge two German companies
Hubergroup announced that it will further align sales structures and strategic segments by merging its two largest entities in Europe. The group will combine two German companies Michael Huber München GmbH and Hostmann-Steinberg GmbH into the new hubergroup Deutschland GmbH.
More at Packaging Labels

PrintStars 2014
The winners of the innovation prize of the German printing industry “PrintStars” have been announced. This year it featured the new category 3D printing. A list of all winners can be downloaded in German.
More at Print.de

Space printing history on Saturday
NASA has been talking about using 3D printing in space for quite some time. Now they want to find out if it is really going to work. This Saturday, 20th September, a 3D printer manufactured by a company called Made In Space will be launching to the International Space Station to test out the capabilities of printing objects in zero gravity conditions.
More at 3D Print

DS Smith results satisfying
Yesterday, DS Smith held its annual general meeting. According to the company’s statement, it had made progress in line with its plans. Eastern Europe and the UK were highlighted as leading growth.
More at PrintWeek

The best technique for garment printing
In a series of articles, FESPA takes a look at direct to garment printing, this time with Gavin Drake, Director at Garment Printing, and Nick Brunton-Reed, Managing Director of Adlogo. Both explain that selecting the best technique to use is a complex process for the printer.
More at FESPA

New Highcon euclid generation
At Graph Expo 2014 Highcon will launch the Highcon Euclid II series of digital cutting and creasing machines. This second generation feature several new features, for example a built-in waste stripping mechanism and a fine cutting accelerator.
More at Highcon


Future Links September 11th 2014

Print-API-developer Lob raises 7 million USD
Bridging the world between writing, printing and mailing documents, API developer Lob has attracted the attention of venture capitalists. Lob makes printing and mailing standard documents such as postcards, papers and checks easy and has already more than 3500 customers. More at Venture Beat

BluePrint brings environmentally friendly printing to Yale campus
Students at Yale University will now be able to track their paper use more accurately in an attempt to make printing more environmentally friendly and less wasteful. By using the new PaperCut software Yale is also hoping to streamline the printing process.
More at Yale Daily News

SPGPrints launches UV-inkjet label printers for food and pharmaceuticals
To provide safe, uncontaminated packaging solutions to the food and pharmaceutical markets, SPGPrints launched a range of low-migration UV-inkjet inks. The inks meet the guidelines of the European Printing Ink Association (EuPIA) and are compliant with the Swiss Ordinance on Materials and Articles (SR 817.023.21). More at What they think?

Jonathan Sands sees sustainability as a growing trend
In an interview with The Die Line, Jonathan Sands, chairman of the brand design consultancy Elmwood, shares his insights about the future of packaging. While he sees sustainability as a growing trend, he also believes there will be “a second moment of truth”. More at The Die Line

BASF introduces Sustainable Solution Steering
BASF has developed a new process for steering its portfolio based on sustainability criteria. The Sustainable Solution Steering method is used to evaluate the sustainability aspects of the approximately 50,000 relevant product applications in the company’s portfolio, which represent sales of 56 billion Euro. More on InkWorld Magazine

Less paper, not paperless, is the trend
A new study from industry association CompTIA shows that nearly 80 percent of businesses are actively involved in efforts to use less paper. The businesses are trying to reduce cost and become more sustainable by limiting their dependency on paper. More at FierceCIO


„Mr. Mercedes“ von Stephen King: Das Böse fährt deutsch

Nervenkrieg zwischen Killer und Ex-Cop: Die Struktur des neuen Krimis von Stephen King klingt vertraut. Dennoch fesselt sein „Mr. Mercedes“ – der Horror-Meister spielt mit Klischees, die er lustvoll in seinem spannenden Thriller verteilt.


photokina style Shop hat ab sofort geöffnet!

Fotofans und Freunde der photokina können sich über ein neues Angebot freuen: Ab sofort hat der photokina style Online-Shop unter www.photokinastyle.com geöffnet.


Future Links September 4th 2014

Miller Lite and the power of packaging
When Miller lite switched the color of its beer cans from blue to white and changed the label design to a retro-look last year, sales spiked. People even reported the beer in the new packaging tasted better than before even though the recipe hadn’t changed.
More at Ad Week 

Samsung buys mobile printing company
To strengthen its cloud printing services for the business-to-business market, Samsung Electronics has acquired the Canadian company PrinterOn. PrinterOn focuses on three major markets – enterprise, education and printing in public places. It uses cloud technology to facilitate printing from any device in any location.
More at PC World 

Coca-Cola’s Alex Center on the future of package design
In an interview with The Die Line, Coca-Cola’s lead designer Alex Center states that he believes that the future of packaging and design is in-house. Companies need to concentrate on branding and on communicating their brands’ values to remain successful in the long run, Center says.
More at The Die Line 

Millennials prefer eco-friendly packaging
According to a study by Barkley, a Missouri-based ad agency, Millennials prefer packaging that communicates lasting benefits. They viewed products in eco-friendly and re-usable containers favorably and cited freshness as another priority. Martin Predd of Brand Amplitude LLC describes Millennials as “marketing savvy, environmentally conscious and socially empowered.”
More at Retail Wire 

Graphene 3D Lab files patent for printable batteries
While there have been considerable advances in printed electronics, printing whole batteries seemed years away. Not anymore. Graphene 3D Lab Inc. has filed a provisional patent application related to 3D printable batteries with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The batteries are based on graphene, a material consisting of a single layer of carbon atoms.
More at 3D Print

Big boxes are internet shoppers’ pet peeves
In a survey commissioned by the UK’s largest packaging distributor, Macfarlane Packaging, more than 25 % of online shoppers complained about receiving packages that are too large for their mailboxes even if they ordered a relatively small item. A large percentage of online shoppers also criticized the quality of the packaging that was often prone to damage during transit.
More at Packaging Europe